What is Olecranon Bursitis? Firstly you need to know what the Olecranon is and secondly what Bursitis is and then it will make sense: The Olecranon process is a bony prominence at the end of the Ulna bone, basically it is the point of your elbow. Because of this, it is an area of potential friction on internal structures running over it. In the body where these potential friction areas exist there is usually a Bursa. A Bursa is basically a fluid filled sac designed to reduce the friction between the bone and other soft tissues. So Olecranon Bursitis is basically inflammation of this exact Bursa. What causes Olecranon Bursitis? There are two types of Olecranon Bursitis: Non-septic — this is the most common type and is basically inflammation resulting from various causes including trauma or overuse. Septic — this type is less common and is basically an infection in the bursa. How common is Olecranon Bursitis? It isn’t that common, I’ve seen it ...