
Showing posts from February, 2016

Why you shouldn’t just put up with lower back pain!

You would think that if somebody was in pain that they would seek help to try to improve or get rid of it.... Amazingly though , people more often than not, just simply put up with it for long periods of time. This is very frustrating as a Physio and but more importantly, there is good reason why you should get it looked at sooner rather than later. Don’t take my word for it! This is what the research says: Wand et al (2004) found that early Physiotherapy is very important in acute lower back pain. They found that it was more effective than just getting advice to stay active. Early Physiotherapy lead to a more rapid improvement in function, mood, quality of life and general health. Even more importantly getting early Physiotherapy helps to prevent the development of psychosocial features, which a massive problems for developing long standing chronic lower back pain. This was also supported by Mo-Yee Lau et al (2008) who found that early physiotherapy was effective

Home Exercise: Compliance and technique accuracy infographic
