Trying something different: The adventures of Mini Physio

As with all great ideas, I was in the pub.....I was honestly! Anyway I was talking with a friend about my YouTube channel and although it is very successful within the Physio world it has nothing when compared to other fields.

So he simply said "you need a gimmick". So I thought maybe your right, but what could I do that was still relevant to me and my work but was more likely to be shared and go viral.

So I thought what types of content do you see going viral? I know, funny and cute!

So I might be mad but I have concocted something that hopefully fits the bill:

The Adventures of Mini Physio!

Basically it's a fun parody of Physiotherapy with a baby who is a physio who is treating toys with various problems and saving the day!

So watch this space, it might be so successful it may even make it onto CBBC!

Doubt it but it should be fun to make!

Here is the link to the Mini Physio playlist on my YouTube channel, where you can see the latest episodes:


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