
Showing posts from February, 2013


So why does pain stay…..   How we are brought up to think about pain Basic pain physiology Differing aspects of pain and how they interact Now need to look at.....   The Healing process Why previous treatments only gave short term relief Pain that persists more than 3 months is termed chronic The system becomes easier to stimulate, changes occurring at the nerve endings, where the nerves join the spinal cord and in the brain As yet we do not know how to reverse these changes when they have been there for some time Pain: Major causes of pain are: Arthritis Disc problems   Surgery Mechanical disorders : – Poor posture Poor muscle tone Arthritis: You have an ongoing inflammatory process   At the same time you have the healing process occurring With the formation of scar tissue, leading to thickening of joints This tightens as its forming, leading to loss of movement Is a repair process – not new for


    Background   One in 50 people at some point in their lives and is common in young and middle-aged women. There are no outward signs, may look well but feel awful. Varies from day to day with pain level and can be mild or very severe Can be permanent or long standing. No long term damage is done physically     Symptoms   Ache or burn. Change location but more severe in areas of the body you use most Can also make you feel very tired.   Also can cause: difficulty sleeping headaches diarrhoea and abdominal pain feeling an urgent need to urinate difficulty concentrating feeling irritable poor circulation to your hands and feet painful periods depression or anxiety forgetfulness or confusion Obviously these symptoms could be from another cause so it is advisable to get checked out by your G.P Similar to ME (myalg