
Showing posts from June, 2016

Ask the Physio: Tell me what you want

Now as you may know I have been writing blog articles and producing CPD training videos for a while now but I am interested to find out what my readers and viewers want to me write about or do a video on next. I would be happy to produce something to cover what you want or need. So tell me what you want, what you really really want: So let me know! Either comment here on the blog or comment on here: Hawkes Physiotherapy E Course CPD YouTube channel or here: Facebook or here: Twitter or here:  Google + Looking forward to hear from you soon!

I have a high pain threshold!

It's incredible the amount of people who are very quick to tell me that they have a high pain threshold but do they really? Do they know what the pain threshold even is? I suspect they don't. So what is pain threshold anyway? Mosby (2009) states the following: "The point at which a stimulus, usually one associated with pressure or temperature, activates pain receptors and produces a sensation of pain. Individuals with low pain thresholds experience pain much sooner and faster than those with higher thresholds; individuals' reactions to stimulation of pain receptors vary." Put simply, it is when there is enough stimulus to make the pain nerve fire. So the threshold required for an action potential at a synapse in a C fibre neurone. So what patients are referring to then is their pain tolerance. This is defined as: "the highest intensity of painful stimulation that a tested subject is able to tolerate." ( Farlex 2012). So the que