
Showing posts from September, 2018

We are opening a new Physio clinic in Stoke based at Samien Fitness!

ON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 21st WE WILL BE OPENING OUR BRAND NEW CLINIC AT SAMIEN FITNESS! I am really excited by this new clinic! It is based in such a great gym, with a big emphasis on strength and conditioning and injury prevention. The equipment is second to none and the personal trainers are really clued in. They are able to recognise any flaws in your technique, which could be compensating around a problem or even cause a problem or injury. Overall the gym has a personal and individualised approach, which is much better than the big chain gyms that you see around. I have a close working relationship with the coaches and this is all ideal to help you with anything that you need. I personally and professionally have a special interest in strength and muscle building and I am constantly researching the latest evidence in this field to maximise these training effects. I come at training with an approach that is optimised for maximal benefit but with longevity and a lowe