Neck blog series part 5: Brachial Plexus Pathology:
What is the Brachial Plexus? Brachial Plexus: C5 – T1 7 cervical vertebrae 8 cervical nerves: 1st 7: exit above the corresponding vertebrae C8: exits below the 7th cervical vertebrae What is Brachial Plexus Pathology? Brachial Plexus Neuropraxia, which is commonly called a “Burner” or “Stinger” Definition: “Transient brachial plexopathy involving the upper trunk” “Temporary episode of unilateral upper extremity burning dysethesia with or without motor weakness” “Stinger” Tingling that occurs in upper extremity after injury. How much of a problem is Brachial Plexus Pathology: Epidemiology: (specific studies) 50% of a Division 1 American football teams had 1 or more burners per season. 65% of Division 3 players (201) experienced more than 1 burner during their careers. 70% reported additional burners that they did NOT report. Increased occurrence with defensive players due to more tackling. What are the common symptoms of Br