
Showing posts from January, 2013

Tennis Elbow

Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)   Definition Pain over the lateral aspect of the elbow that is aggravated by movement of the wrist, by direct palpation over the lateral epicondyle and by contraction of the extensor muscles of the wrist (Struijs et al, 2003) ‘The cardinal physical signs of lateral epicondylitis are pain to direct palpation over the lateral epicondyle and reproduction of pain and weakness during grip strength testing’ (Vicenzino,2003) Epidemiology 1-3% general population affected by tennis elbow (vicenzino, 2003) 4-7% per year in general practice is tennis elbow (Hamilton,1986) Equal prevalence in both genders but it lasts longer and is more severe is females ( Vicenzino & Wright 1995) 5% risk in populations who perform repetitive manual tasks (Chiang et al,1993) Aetiology (Causes) Degenerative changes of the tendon over time usually through repetitive overload, with insufficient r...

Physiotherapy to compliment Orthotic (insoles) treatment

History   In the 1970's the California college of Paediatric medicine in San Francisco found a way to control dynamic motions of gait (walking) in stance. What they invented was an Orthotic device or insole. It became so popular that in the 1990's it became over utilised Retailers started to dispense what should be a medical device!     So what are the issues with current practice? There are many studies of biomechanics with an assumption that alteration of abnormal biomechanics will result in clinical benefit Typically Physiotherapists assess the area where the pain is and the joints either side of it. More rarely a Physio may have a look at the whole body including the feet. Podiatrists are sometime guilty of the opposite in that they look at the feet predominantly less the lower limb and even less likely the pelvis and above. Think about it! There is a chance that a neck problem could be caused from a foot postur...