
Showing posts from May, 2015

Pelvic alignment

Today we are going to look into the evidence behind Pelvic alignment. We will attempt to examine the alignments themselves, how we measure them, how accurate the measurements are and more importantly attempt to answer the question, do they affect injury and pain? Below are the main two Pelvic alignment positions, which are influenced by many factors: Anterior Superior (AS) Ilium: When the PSIS (posterior superior Iliac spine) moves up and forwards It is believed that an anatomical short leg predicts anterior rotation (AS Ilium) of the ipsilateral Ilium (Cooperstein 2010). Posterior Inferior (PI) Ilium: When the PSIS (posterior superior Iliac spine) moves down and backwards It is believed that an anatomical long leg predicts posterior rotation (PI Ilium) of the ipsilateral Ilium (Cooperstein 2010). So what Pelvic alignments shall we examine that influence an AS or a PI ilium? ASIS and PSIS angle of tilt: The angle of the Pelvis using the PSIS (p

Infographic on Taping


How can it hurt here, yet be coming from somewhere else? The mystery of referred pain!

This is a very common question that I get asked all the time. It is very easy to assume that if you have pain in your foot then you have a problem with your foot but actually you could be wrong. In this example pain in the foot could actually be referred from multiple regions in the body and it could even be originating from a nerve root compression in your lower back. It is important to know that your internal organs can also refer pain to other parts of your body, which can be misleading but very important to know. For example shoulder pain can actually be coming from your diaphragm, which is innervated by the left and right phrenic nerves. These nerves come from spinal cord levels C3, C4, and C5 and these spinal levels also supply sensation to the shoulder. So shoulder pain can actually be coming from your diaphragm and the same misleading pain signals can come from other organs too. We wouldn’t get very far treating your shoulder when the pain is actually coming