The human body is amazing and there is a lot that we know about it but truthfully there is more that we don’t know and a lot of what we do is more down to anecdotal evidence rather than hard evidence. Here are 5 things that may surprise you: 1: It is more important to be nice than to be experienced as a healthcare professional! Yes this one is true, you would think that the more experienced the clinician and the more qualified that they are, means the more likely you are to get better, but the research indicates this simply isn’t true! Physicians who have been in practice for more years may possess less factual knowledge and are less likely to adhere to appropriate standards of care in turn causing poorer patient outcomes (Choudhry et al 2005). Kaptchuk et al (2008) actually found that patients did better if the practitioner was caring, warm, attentive and confident even when they offered placebo treatment. This is also supported by Hall et al (2010), they foun...