Play Golf? No? Well you don’t have to, in fact I don’t think that I have ever seen a sufferer of Golfer’s elbow who actually played golf! Actually, to get Golfer’s elbow as a golfer there must be a flaw in your technique. Amazingly tennis players who generate a lot of top spin on their forehand are a greater risk! What is Golfer’s elbow? Golfer’s elbow is an injury to the common flexor-pronator origin on the Humerus bone, more precisely the Pronator Teres and the Flexor Carpi Radialis origins (Nirshal 1993). Golfer’s elbow is also known as pitchers elbow in the USA but the medical term has always been Medial Epicondylitis although as with all tendon pathologies this has been changed due to evidence on the inflammatory make up of tendon injury. Immunohistological studies have shown that long-standing epicondylitis is associated with degeneration of the tissue instead of an inflammatory process (Ljung et al 1999). So other names that have been touted things like...