Someone felt my disc was out and pushed it back in! .....REALLY?! What does the science say?
I thought that I would write this blog article to clear a few things up about what some patients are told by some therapists. The common thing that I hear from patients is that the therapist felt the discs were out, or were calcified and then performed a technique and go on to say that they are back in after the technique. Now I don't know where to start with this because it's just not possible based on normal human anatomy. The thing that perpetuates the myth is that whatever technique is used it can bring about symptom improvement, which I don't dispute at all. However, the statement about what it has done and why it has done it are so far off base it's crazy! So answering the first question: Can you palpate a disc? I'll let the pictures illustrate the answer below: The first problem is the depth. Look below at how deep into the body that disc is! It is not far off half way to your middle. So even if all the stuff in the way was soft and gooey and yo