
Showing posts from October, 2017

Everything you need to know about ankle sprains

Chapter 1: So what is an ankle sprain? A sprain is a stretch and/or a tear of a ligament, which is a strong band of tissue that connects the end of one bone to another and its role is to stop excessive motions of that joint. In this case the ankle joint. What is the most common type of ankle sprain? This is a sprain to the Anterior Talofibular ligament, which is on the outside of the ankle joint. What are the different severities of ankle sprains? Grade I - mild stretching of the ligament complex without joint instability. Grade II - partial rupture of the ligament complex without joint instability. Grade III - complete rupture of the ligament complex with instability of the joint. What causes ankle sprains? Basically a sprain will occur as a result of abnormal or excessive forces applied to a joint. People who frequently participate in sport are more likely to sprain their ankle. Particularly sports that involve contact and are fast paced wit...