Hawkes Physiotherapy E Course CPD: Meet your CPD training needs for FREE!!!!

As you may or may not know, Hawkes Physiotherapy has moved into the continuous professional development (CPD) market.

I feel that on YouTube there is a massive amount of content for CPD training but it is very inconsistent and not always up to scratch in relation to being evidence based. This makes finding the right content difficult and you might as well just roll a dice.

It was because of this reason that I felt  that Healthcare professionals need a consistent trustworthy source of high quality evidence based CPD, so I have set up, just this!

The content is fully researched and referenced so that you can check the source of the content for yourself rather than take my word for it. To get content at this standard takes an immense amount of time. For example the content in the Muscle strength and range testing playlist took 4-5 months to research, write and turn into videos.

The channel is absolutely free, which is amazing considering with normal CPD you would need to pay hundreds of pounds for a course, not to mention travelling costs etc.

So if you would like to take a look then just subscribe and spread the word!

Happy learning!!!

Hawkes Physiotherapy E Course CPD YouTube Channel


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